Classic Tour

Embark on a 4-hour adventure that starts in the heart of Florence, in the very street where Carlo Collodi, the author of The Adventures of Pinocchio, was born. The walk traces his life in the city as Anna recounts the fascinating stories that lie behind his masterpiece. Transfer in a luxury hire car to a small neighborhood which is little-known even to Italians and which was crucial to the inspiration of The Adventures of Pinocchio. It is home to some of the most illustrious and impressive mansions in the whole of Tuscany. Here, among many other things, visitors will be taken to the site of the real-life carpenter’s workshop in which Collodi imagined Geppetto carving Pinocchio. At the end of the tour, a gelato and cappuccino stop can’t be missed, before returning to the center of Florence, to Pinocchio shops and to the Pinocchio Museum, a few hundred yards from where the tour began.
